iShot® Weld-i® 625 HD Weld Camera System, saves resources and time to allow the Welder to view the quality of automated welds in real time. This system combines a compact, water cooled housing, with a high definition color CMOS camera to provide a durable, and easy to mount Weld Viewing System in punishing Environments.
The Weld Camera head is extremely compact at just 5/8-inches in diameter and 3-inches long. The motorized, "flip" filter allows for viewing during welding and non-welding modes. Illumination is delivered to the target during non-weld modes via an included fiber optic light guide.
The iShot® Weld-i® 625 HD Weld Camera System can be used for GMAW, GTAW, FCAW and many other types of welding processes. With it's compact size and ruggedized enclosure, the system is ideal for welding in hard to reach, remote locations.
The Weld-i Camera is considered suitable for use in welding environments up to 500 degrees F, when room temperature water is supplied at 20 psi and there is no significant preheating of the coolant supply. The tests utilized convective oven heating only and do not account for radiant heat load from the welding environment.
This is a legacy item. Contact us for availability and alternative solutions for your remote visual inspection needs.