Various Retrieval Tool Strengths and Advantages in FOD Removal
Retrieval tool jaws are specifically designed to capture and remove foreign object debris (FOD) that might hinder operations or pose a potential risk if left unchecked. Discover the various jaw sets and their best use cases in removing FOD.
Read ArticleHigh Stakes and High Savings FOSAR Operations
Foreign Object Search and Retrieval (FOSAR) is critical to the power-generation industry for retrieving objects in hard-to-reach areas that interfere with critical, daily operations. Retired professional and former InterTest, Inc. customer, Edward J. Hyp, recounts how ingenuity and the right tools translate to invaluable savings.
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The power generation industry uses systems designed to harness energy potential from natural resources (fossil fuels, nuclear materials, wind, and water) and convert it into usable electricity. Due to these systems' motion, vibration, and corrosion, many components, such as turbines, pipes, and vessels, require in-service inspection and foreign material exclusion (FME) operations.
InterTest, Inc. offers camera systems and retrieval tools well-suited to service the power generation industry.
InterTest, Inc. offers camera systems and retrieval tools well-suited to service the power generation industry.