The tried and true iShot® 7mm Color Micro Camera QN, now has a more-than-worthy replacement. InterTest, Inc. proudly introduces the new iShot® QN-HD as a high definition replacement and upgrade to the industry-proven 7mm QN that has been prominent in the remote visual inspection industry for years.
Few camera technologies had a shelf life like that of the original 7mm Color Micro Camera QN. It was first manufactured by ELMO and Toshiba starting in 1999, and then continued to be made by InterTest until its end of life in 2018. “The 7mm QN micro camera was an affordable, proven camera solution that was less expensive and had a lot better picture than other comparable products at the time,” reflected Bill Habermann, founder and president of InterTest, Inc. “It was quickly adopted by the industry as a standalone product and an OEM product. It was the vision sensor enabling many of our remote vision systems.”
The all new iShot® QN-HD camera dimensions and camera control unit.
Proprietary products like the WebViewer, Polecam HD 1000, Weld-i 625 HD all use the 7mm QN camera, and are now offered with the new QN HD model.
The original 7mm ELMO QN42H, and its 7mm Toshiba IK-SM43H equivalent, boasted a 410,000-pixel picture with 470 horizontal TV lines, all coming from a ¼” CCD sensor within a 7mm diameter package…less than half the diameter of a dime. That was a big deal at the time when most cameras were only 360 horizontal TV lines, much larger, and more expensive.
The compact form factor of the 7mm QN-HD
Now the iShot® QN-HD carries on the original 7 mm camera’s legacy. The QN-HD still has the same form factor, physical resilience, and functional versatility as the original QN, but now with more than 4 times the resolution in HD. The QN-HD is compatible with existing ELMO QN lenses and boasts a 1080/30p high definition picture utilizing a 1/6” 1920 x 1080 (2 MP) sensor in the same 7mm diameter form factor.
Even if you’re not a long-time user of the ELMO 7mm QN remote-head camera system, or its Toshiba equivalent, you’re going to want to check out the newly released upgrade from InterTest, Inc.
You only need to look to see the difference.
In a comparison mockup with cameras at the same distance and lens, the QN42H/IK-SM43H shows greater than 470 TV lines, while the QN-HD shows 1080 lines.
Convenient Features & Functionality*:
- USB-C power supply, DVI & USB output for varied application requirements
- RS-232 & USB Control Interfaces
- 1080/30p, 720/60p, 540 VGA video output options
- 5 standard cable lengths (2m, 3.5m, 5m, 10m, 15m) as well as flexibility in cable length (up to 15m) with custom fabrication
- 2 cable materials available (Teflon and PVC types)
- Optional lenses in 16:9 format with HFOVs of:
- Compatible with all legacy QN lenses
- Instant image capture button on CCU records to micro SD card
- Video capture via DVI or VGA output and optional accessories
- 4 customizable presets to easily recall control settings
- Radiation tests indicate superior performance with Radiation dose rate of 10,000 R at cobalt-60 source.

Pictured: See the resolution capabilities and details of your image with the all-new iShot® QN-HD | Office: 908-496-8008 | Toll Free (U.S.): 800-535-3626
*Specifications subject to change without notice